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Application form for International Exchange Program

Welcome to the AO Spine observership application form.

Please press “submit” when you have entered all your data including the attachments. If you experience any problems entering your data, please contact our Fellowship Support by e-mail [email protected].

Personal Information
Contact Details
AO Educational History
Have you attended an AO Spine Fellowship in the last two years?
Have you registered on the Continuing Education program?
Have you attended one AO Spine advanced cource?
Have more than three-year experience in spine surgery:
Current Employment
Medical School
Post Graduate Education
Research Work
Are you active in research?
Have you published any research papers?
1st choice
2nd choice

Most convenient date(s) to start
Supporting Documentation

We required the following documents:

  1. Curriculum vitae;
  2. Copy of the most recent AO Spine Advanced course Certificate;
  3. Copy of the orthopedic or neurosurgery specialization certificate;
  4. Letter of recommendation from a senior surgeon (recommended to mention the participant has more than three-year experience in spine surgery)
  5. Proof proficiency language. * Participants in countries with language other than their own must attest advanced knowledge in English or in the local language (depending upon the center requirements). Proficiency in English is to be attested by an international recognized certificate such as IELTS, TOEFL or equivalent.